Saturday, April 4, 2015

Busy, Busy, Busy

Busyness is contrary to the minimalist lifestyle, but sometimes unavoidable. One day last week I went to the store, a book study, a birthday party, made dinner for my family, then went to a fashion show. I barely sat the whole day. Not everyday is this race of going here and there. The next day I wore my pajamas until noon. Whether I choose it or not, there will be busy seasons of life. These are the times I am so thankful I am a minimalist.

How does the minimalist lifestyle save our family time? I never have to clean out the garage, the attic, or the basement.... Ok truth be told, I don't even have a garage, attic or basement. I don't need one. I don't lose things or waste time looking for them. I don't spend time trying to find the best deal, drive to the store to purchase it, bring it home and clean it, or look for a place to store it. With children, fewer toys means they are able to maintain them on their own. We don't need a day to clean the playroom when all of the toys they own can be picked up in 15 minutes. Possessions take our time.

When we have fewer things, we have more time. More time to do the things that really matter to us. I am currently planning a garden party for May. I am also a storyteller for VBS in early June. I would not be able to do these two events on top of helping my 10 year old with homework, doing preschool with my 4 year old, general house cleaning and maintenance, fixing meals, etc, were it not for minimalism. This is one of the reasons we live the moderately minimalist life. I want to spend my life serving people, not possessions.

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