Tuesday, September 1, 2015

September Challenge: The Minimalist Game Day 1

Every September, for the last 3 years, I have played the minimalist game. http://www.theminimalists.com/game/ The game was invented by The Minimalists, Joshua Fields Millburn and Ryan Nicodemus. On day 1, you get rid of one thing. Day 2, you get rid of two things. Day 3..... you guessed it. You get rid of three things. Some people do categories. They would count three pairs of socks as one thing. Some people do objects and they count three pairs of socks as three things. The first year I did it, I did categories. It cleaned out my home. By the time I was finished, I actually felt like a minimalist. Granted, I have parted ways with even more stuff since then. But even at one item instead of one category, you will get rid of over 400 things!! That is a life changing experience! Making room for what really matters in life.

I challenge you to come along with me. Now is the perfect time. Forget any excuses you are making. If you don't do it now, the perfect time will never come along. Don't look at it and say, but I could never get rid of 400 things in the next month. Just get rid of one thing today. You can do that! And at the end of September we will have clean homes, ready to go into the holidays. Most of us receive gifts during the holidays, and if we don't make room in advance, we will become overwhelmed. So come along with me. What will you get rid of today?

One kid's meal toy gone.

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