Monday, July 6, 2015

No One Has Ever Become Poor by Giving. -Anne Frank

All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of their possessions was their own, but they shared everything they had. Acts 4:32

Could you imagine if we shared everything? No I am not a communist. I don't mean taking things from people and giving them to other people. I mean people wanting, choosing, desiring to share possessions, time, resources. People in the early church lived in this manner. They knew everything comes from God, we are mere stewards. In essence, a steward is a manager. When we die, we can't take our possessions, time or resources with us. They are on loan to us while we walk the earth.

What does it look like to be a good steward with possessions? Suppose you make a dress for your daughter, what do you do with the leftover fabric? Suppose you read a book, what do you do with it when you are finished? Can I make a suggestion? Pass it on. Give the fabric to someone who makes quilts. Don't know someone who makes quilts? Take it to Goodwill where someone can find it for half the price they would pay in the store. Give the book to a neighbor or a friend. Why don't we do that? The most common answer people give me, "I paid for it." I recognize that someone has to make the original purchase, but holding onto it doesn't get our money back. Passing it on actually makes the purchase more worthwhile. Can you imagine what would happen if we all shared the things we aren't using? We teach our children to share. I think it is time to start modeling for them what that looks like as we grow older.

What does it look like to be a good steward with our time? Since getting rid of half my possessions, I have more time. Less time buying, cleaning, sorting and organizing. More time to do what I want to do. I could spend it on social media, and I do. I could spend it on running for health reasons, and I do. But I can also spend some of my time in service to others. Have a friend who just had a baby and needs a meal? Have a friend who is sick and needs some groceries? Have a friend who works and their babysitter fell through? Time can be as much a gift as possessions. I have regretted afternoons spent on the computer. Rarely have I regretted serving a friend or family member.

Will you try it this week? Look for one thing in your home to give to a friend or family member who could use it. And consider spending one hour this week in service to someone in your community. Let's share everything we have.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Thank you! This give me new perspective on keeping things. I always think I will use them "some day". I'd rather give it to someone who can use it today!
