Friday, April 24, 2015

Weekend Happenings

Shopping makes me a wreck. I get rid of everything that I don't use or love. That puts a lot of pressure on a shopping trip. If I don't end up loving and using what I purchase, it is a complete waste of money. I would prefer not to have to shop at all. But that isn't reality. In reality things break down and need replaced. Specifically, a pair of cloth brown ballet shoes wore a hole in the toe. Since those were the only shoes that matched my brown tone skirts, I haven't been wearing them. At this point, I either need new shoes or the skirts have to go. Since it is almost summer, I bought an inexpensive pair of flip flops that will do the job.

Tomorrow my husband and I have a date planned. He suggested I buy a new dress for the date. One of my favorite dresses has developed an issue with the seam. The dress is really too old to make repairing it make sense. So tomorrow I am meeting a friend at the Dress Barn. I love my friend's style. Everything she wears looks great on her. She says she isn't great at fashion, she just knows what looks good on her. I am hopeful that having her with me will make the trip more enjoyable. I am also aware that it might make me feel like I need to buy something just to make her feel good about coming with me. I cannot do that. If I don't love it, it will just sit in the closet. And I don't allow things to just sit in the closet. So as you can see this shopping trip is already giving me anxiety.

I have some friends who are not minimalists. They accuse minimalists of being even more focused on things than them. And in some ways they are right. I am much more aware of what I own than my average friend. So why do it at all? I also have more extra time and a cleaner house than my average friend. The decisions we make in life come with positives and negatives. Most days minimalism brings me more positives. But some days, like tomorrow, I have to face a negative. So shopping I will go, in hopes of finding the perfect dress for me.

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