Thursday, May 28, 2015

What Really Matters

Our lives are too valuable to waste chasing possessions. And so is yours. -Joshua Becker

A great portion of what we spend our time on, really doesn't matter. Living in a first world country, makes this even more true. We spend ridiculous amounts of time on TV shows, playing video games, shopping for the perfect home decor. None of that really matters. None of that is going to make a difference in the life of someone else.

There are two projects I have been watching. They matter. One is minimalist Joshua Becker's project in Honduras. He is researching better options for orphanages. You can read about it here:

The other project is an adoption my friends are working on, to bring a little boy home from China. You can read and donate for it here:

Both of these projects are going to have a significant impact on someone else's life. My friends are having a garage sale to raise money at the end of June. I have been going through clothes to give them to sell. And we gave up our MegaBloks. We already have Duplos. We don't need both. But Garrick does need a home. So we gave our MegaBloks to our friends to sell in their upcoming garage sale. People are more important than things. We should live like we believe that.

I challenge all of us to look at how we are spending our time. Are we working on things that really matter? Or are we entertaining ourselves? I am not saying we can't ever have down time. Without some down time, we burn out and are no good to anyone. But I don't see that as the number one problem for most people. Most people could benefit from putting down the smartphone for a day. Let's make the most of the time we have been given.

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