Saturday, June 6, 2015

30 Day Habit Promoting Minimalism

VBS ended at my church yesterday. VBS was my last commitment for the year. Now that I have kids my year follows the school schedule, not the calendar year. Today officially feels like the first day of summer. I am taking a break from all commitments this summer. I am officially in charge of nothing. A glorious feeling that I need to enjoy because in August, I will pick many responsibilities up again.

This seems like the perfect time to start my friend, Meredith's, challenge. Here it is if you want to join: She is challenging people to do something for 30 days. I am choosing blogging. I want to have a minimalist blog because this is a topic that I feel passionately about that there isn't a lot of information out there for people. My biggest passion in life is my faith in God, but there are books and blogs about that everywhere. Minimalism is my second passion in life, and actually ties in to my faith. Minimalism information is much more challenging to find. If I have a question about minimalist music collections or how to keep my kid's toys minimal, there are very few resources. We have The Minimalists, Joshua Becker, Miss Minimalist and the Everyday Minimalist blogging. For books we can read Simplicity Parenting and the Joy of Less.... And then what? I really hope the minimalist community continues to grow. In the meantime, anyone who practices this lifestyle needs to speak up and share.

I have a passion for minimalism. I see a need for more minimalist resources. So why is blogging so difficult? I think Meredith is right, it is work. Minimalism is not difficult to practice. Just don't buy stuff. The promotion of minimalism is work. I am involved as group owner on a message board on Babycenter called Becoming A Minimalist. Most days it is my favorite place in the world. But initially, it did require a self-discipline to go there everyday and check on it and make sure everything was running smoothly. Eventually it became an enjoyable habit. That is my hope for this project. I want blogging about our moderately minimalist life to be a habit that I look forward to. So, here is day 1.


  1. I'm glad you will be blogging more! I've started down the road to minimalism. Your blog and recommended reading have helped a lot. My plan is to go through the house one room at a time and finsh by May next year. It may go faster if clearing things out motivate me like I think it will!

    1. Janet, That is awesome! I am so happy for you. I can't wait to hear about the results. I found I had so much more time and money as a result!
