Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Before My Moderately Minimalist Life

Recently contemplating life before minimalism, and so thankful I made a change.

Before: I spent a very long time to cook and clean up from dinner. I had 3 sets of "everyday" dishes, "everyday" glasses, etc. they were kept in different cabinets in different parts of the kitchen. I had the mixing bowl for pancakes, the bowl for popcorn, the bowl I made mashed potatoes in, if it took a bowl, I had a special bowl for each task. I was moving back and forth across my kitchen managing everything.

After: All of my dishes and glasses fit in one cabinet within reach of the dishwasher. I save so much time not walking back and forth retrieving mixing bowls and putting away dishes.

Before: I lost things daily. And they were not readily found or seen. There was so much stuff around that it was very hard to "see" things. To find my keys meant picking things up, checking under them. Looking behind home décor and stuff that had no home.

After: I lose things daily. Don't judge! My brain is crazy. But now I find things in less than 5 minutes. There is nothing for my keys to hide under or behind.

Related before: I couldn't find a notebook. I wasn't sure if I had one. Nothing had a home, or place to put it. I went and bought another one.

Related after: I have 4 notebooks on hand, and I know exactly where they are. This saves me both time and money.

Before: I spent 2 weekends/ year cleaning out the garage.

After: I have no garage, attic or basement. And no need for one.

Before: Husband complained that the toys were taking over our home.

After: Happy husband. Every toy in our home can be picked up in 5 minutes and 20 seconds.

Before: I said yes to everyone. If you needed help, I was there. I was losing sleep keeping up with my life, and everyone's life around me.

After: I help those who truly need help. Some people are drowning and it is their own making. Painful, but true. If I have the time and you really need help, I still take a meal or watch children. Now I have the time to do that.

Before: I needed one day to get ready for someone coming over.

After: I need 10 minutes to get ready for someone coming over.

Bottom Line:

Before: I was spending a lot of time, energy and money to maintain this stuff that was supposed to make my life happier.

After: I have a lot less stuff and more time to spend with my family and community, which makes me happier.

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