Tuesday, August 25, 2015

What can you do in 15 minutes?

I am still reading Crystal Paine. I have reached her section on accomplishing goals. Initially I was doubtful of her advice. She says to tackle your goals with 15 minutes/ day. I chuckled. 15 minutes isn't long. How will that accomplish my goals? I will never get there, with such a small allotment of time. Then she began to add it up for me. 15 minutes/ day is 105 minutes or 1 hour 35 minutes/ week. I can get something done in 1 hour 35 minutes. 15 minutes/ day is 450 minutes or 7 hours 30 minutes/ month. I can get something done in 7 hours and 30 minutes. 15 minutes/ day is 5460 minutes or 91 hours/ year. I can accomplish my current goal in 91 hours.

I have been looking at things all wrong. I have been looking for an hour and a half to set aside each week. But I was looking for the 90 minutes consecutively. And with 2 small children, a husband and home to care for, friends and extended family to nurture and a church community to be involved in, I may never have 90 minutes consecutively for the next year. But I have 15 minutes/ day. It is precisely because it is such a small amount of time to commit to, that I believe it may work.

My goal is to show thousands of people how minimalism can change their life for the better. My goal is for people to see that what we do matters much more than what we own. In 15 minutes/ day I can:

Write on a minimalist message board.
Take photos for this blog.
Write down ideas for this blog.
Give a friend advice on how to declutter her kitchen.
Go through a cabinet or drawer and give away what I am not using.

Crystal Paine is a genius. And look at her with her blog and books, she really is. This plan helped her accomplish her goals and I am praying it will help me accomplish mine as well.

What is your goal? What can you accomplish in 15 minutes/ day that will move you closer to that goal?


  1. I recently discovered I can do this! I give myself 20 minutes though (because I tend to be slow). It works! I can clean my house by tackling certain areas 20 minutes at a time. And much more :)

  2. I tried it for the first time today. The 15 minutes actually turned into more like 25 minutes. But it worked beautifully because I was willing to work on something I didn't want to because I knew I could stop after 15 minutes. Then 15 minutes into it, I finished because I knew it was almost done. I will try it again tomorrow.
